We add value to your museum or attraction with multilingual content and audio guides.
Museums, historical sites, exhibition centers, natural reserves and industrial trade shows are intellectually-rich environments that require considerable knowledge transfer to visitors. At Audience Media, we produce professional and multilingual audio tours and deliver our productions to visitors using compact audio guide systems or smartphone applications.
Tours for adults and children: Young visitors naturally have different areas of interest and attention spans compared to adults. Audio tours designed for different age groups tell compelling stories that impart knowledge to younger audiences more effectively. Our scripts help young visitors focus on exhibits, increasing their satisfaction with their visit, and making them more likely to return to your museum in later years.
Accessible tours: At Audience Media, we are committed to ensuring that visitors with disabilities can fully enjoy their tours and do not miss out on anything important. We prepare descriptive narratives to assist persons with limited eyesight, and sign language tours for the hearing-disabled

AG 600C delivers pure sound in a robust, compact package. The keypad in AG 600C enables visitors to enter the number of the exhibit they would like to learn more about, and reduces costs by eliminating transmitters around your exhibition area. Visitors simply press the numbers that mark your exhibits to listen to a specific segment at their own pace, which leads to a more personalized experience.